Do You Allow Others to Determine Your Mood?

Do You Allow Others to Determine Your Mood?

When you allow the insignificant actions of other people to determine your mood, you lose.  You give your power away.  I hear from my clients on a daily basis that “someone” threw their day off.


“My Mom is so passive aggressive.” 

“My husband is so negative.” 

“My kids’ words are so hurtful.” 

“My sister is so judgmental.” 

And then we shrink.  We forget our power and we fall back into old patterns and behavior.  
And guess what……??? We do exactly what we’re shaming them for doing.  We act passive aggressively. We get negative and judgmental.  We’re hurtful with our words about them. We’re being a smaller version of ourselves. And we’re also feeling superior and kind of like a victim and the hero all at once.  Our ego is in heaven.  But it’s not enough just to have this insight and hope we’ll do better next time.  Hope is not a plan.

We need to create new patterns and behaviors. 

We need to create a new personality. One that won’t get rattled by the insignificant words or actions from someone else.  That new personality can be unshakeable.  Only then can we design a new reality.  One that will lead to our dream life.

We think it’s easy, but it’s not.  It takes work.  It takes new tools.  It takes accountability.  These new patterns and behaviors don’t make themselves.  We are continuously tested and pushed. But listen, isn’t this life worth it?  

The work pays off when we find more inner peace.  When we have more joy-filled days.  When we don’t get triggered, we control our reactions and all of that leads to more happy moments and special memories.  

If we don’t do the work we’re missing out.  Life is too short to live it in judgment of other people.  There’s a better way.  

Where are YOU giving away your power? 

I’ve been struggling

I’ve been struggling

I’ve been struggling.  I’ve been struggling with letting go.  I’ve been struggling with over thinking.  I’ve been. struggling with doing too much and getting nowhere.  I’ve been struggling with trying too hard.  With forcing.  With over controlling.   With trying to control the world actually.  With trying to control other peoples worlds too.  I’ve been struggling. 

Can you relate?  

This is a regular occurrence for me.  It’s cyclical.  I struggle.  I keep struggling. I try fighting it.  I try pushing it away.  I struggle more.  And then I break down.   I crash and burn.  I get sick or overwhelmed and I give up.  I throw my hands in the air.   I drop down to my knees (literally) and I surrender.  I let go and let God.  

And undoubtedly here’s what happens….   It all gets easier.   

Just like that things start getting better.  It’s like a slingshot.  Like I’ve been pulled back so far there’s only one way up and out and the second I let go I get catapulted forward. 

 I don’t struggle as often as I used to.  It happens less and less frequently and I catch it sooner these days.   The minute I catch it I have an array of things I can do to instantly let go.   

Here’s the short list: 

  • Sing
  • Dance 
  • Laugh
  • Do a cartwheel
  • Call a friend 
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Find an inspiring video  
  • Brew a cup of coffee
  • Sing some more 
  • Shout at the top of my lungs “I LOVE MY LIFE” 
  • Pet my dog 
  • Pet my husband 
  • Do dishes (Kidding…  I hate doing dishes!) 
  • Take a bath
  • Hug a tree
  • Feel the sunshine on my face
  • Pray 
  • Meditate 
  • Take a long hot steam shower
  • Take a walk in nature 

And use this mantra:

It’s my time.  Align.  Align. Align.  I release the how.  Allow.  Allow. Allow.

The truth is everything we want is achievable when we let go.  It’s the way we allow in all our desires.  We’re just stuck in the illusion of lack and fear and the hustle.  We’re stuck believing that the harder we paddle upstream that we’ll get downstream.  Life doesn’t work that way.  The minute we let go of the oars our boat turns and we allow our  dreams in.  

Are you struggling in any area of life?  

What can you do to let go?  

Why Do We Suffer?

Why Do We Suffer?

The reason we suffer is because we think the world should operate differently than it does.

We believe people should do what WE think they should do.
We think things should unfold in our favor. Always.
And that things should be easier than they are. 

We’re ‘shoulding’ all over ourselves. This ‘shoulding’ is the root of our stress. Not the actual events.  Or the people. Or the words.  When we have radical acceptance for life and really unconditionally love everyone around us, our world changes.  We begin to see everything as perfect. Even the “problems”. Even the pain and suffering. Even the Pandemic. Even the trauma. 

When we radically accept our world and our circumstances we find peace. When we sit with all experiences as the truth of that they are completely perfect for the unfolding of our soul experience, then we find not only peace but bliss. 

Can you get a glimpse of this? Life gets easier when we get here.

It’s our birthright.  Life is not about suffering.  It’s about radical acceptance, finding our inner strength, and finding as much joy along the journey as possible.  Life is too precious to be spent suffering.  

Let me know if you need help with this. #nextlevellife