Here’s the Secret to Living Your Dream

Here’s the Secret to Living Your Dream

If you think that there’s no place for your dream in the world…

If you believe that there’s no way that you can DO what you want…

If you feel you can’t HAVE the career you ultimately want…

If you’ve ever thought that there’s no way you can do what you love…

Then I want to introduce you to Hector.

Hector loved hawks.  He had a connection with birds as a young boy but when he was old enough to enter the work force, there were no jobs out there where he could work with birds.

What do you think Hector did?

Exactly.  He created one.

Hector started training hawks and falcons.  And then, he took it a step further.  Hector started a business where he brought his trained birds to luxury resorts for the purposes of keeping other aggressive birds away from the guests.

Yep…that simple. Hector saw a need. And he filled it. By doing what he loved.

Hector is living his dream.  Since he followed his passion, he has a large staff of  his own, a whole aviary filled with trained hawks and falcons and his operation has gone international.  It serves luxury resorts in both Mexico and Spain.

Hector stands in the sun. With his hawk, Jason on his arm.  He talks to him. Feeds him. Hector works with Jason every day.  Jason even accompanies Hector home and stays in his house every night.

Hector does what he loves. And it’s so incredibly unique.

Don’t tell Hector you can’t ______(insert that career you’ve been dying to do but don’t believe is possible).  Hector knows it’s possible.

And guess what?  Anything is possible! You just have to believe it, align with it and take action towards it.

What’s your dream?


You truly deserve the life of your dreams AND to be a Badass Mom, too! You CAN have it ALL. I’m living proof. The Badass Mom Mindset Mini Retreat is going on NOW! But you can still get in! Join Here

Just Do It Now – Achieving Your Dreams

Just Do It Now – Achieving Your Dreams

Don’t wait until…

We wrote our dreams in these ornaments every year.

And today I pulled out our old dreams and looked through them.

I had a dream 8 years ago to be a published author.

8 years!! 8 fricken years!!!

What took me so long?

As I pondered that tonight I started thinking about belief. I wanted to write a book 8 years ago. But I didn’t believe I could.

This year I finally believed.

I signed up for a book writing retreat.

I wrote my book in 2 months. And became a best selling author on March 21st.

I could have done that 8 years ago.

Don’t be like me.

Don’t wait 8 years to achieve your dream.

Don’t let a lack of belief stop you.

Don’t wait until you’re 100% ready.

Just do it now.

This awakening has me fired up. Ready to hit the gas peddle to my next dream. No more waiting 8 years.

2019 I’m getting after my dreams. ALL of my dreams.

Who’s with me? #letsdothis

The 21-Day Badass Mom Mindset Mini Retreat Experience will be the ultimate pampering for your mind, body, and soul. Together, we will change our thoughts with like-minded women who are driven, and committed to reaching their goals!

You won’t only receive this badass 21-day online retreat… but you’ll have a Badass Mom Sisterhood alongside you on your journey to give a to add a whole new dimension of inspiration… and motivation to kick ass, and rise to the occasion.

You will receive dynamic support, accountability, and brain juju from some seriously powerful, action-oriented, and successful women that know exactly what it takes to balance being a legit MOGUL and a legit MOM (at the same time).

Learn More

Find Your Dreams

Find Your Dreams

I found my dreams today. 😊👍🏻❤ A box from my meditation area that I haven’t opened in 5 years. It had my vision boards and Buddha’s and candles and letters and angel cards and a tree of wishes and dreams. What a find!! 😊👏🏻😍

It’s amazing to look back at all this. And think about all that I have now that I started creating back then.

  • My business.
  • My book.
  • The school and teachers my kids have.
  • This house.
  • Our lake house.
  • My tribe of friends from around the world.
  • Luxury tropical vacations.
  • An all-expense paid trip to Kuala Lumpur.
  • Teaching in the Hall of Awesomeness at Mindvalley.
  • A Lifeclass with Oprah and Dr Shefali.
  • The new community I live in.
  • Getting paid to attend Afest and Genius Network.
  • My new besties.
  • The health and fitness of my dreams.
  • Romantic trips with John.
  • Fun epic new experiences.

It’s all in here. And I’m living IT ALL.

I’ve been studying this process of consciously creating my dreams for almost 30 years. It clearly works. I’ve been teaching it for 25 years. Because it works!

It doesn’t happen overnight. You have to do the f’ing work. Take ruthless daily action. Then it looks like it happens overnight. 😆😊 And people think you’re lucky. Or spoiled. Or like someone handed it to you on a silver platter.  It wasn’t….

I earned it. I created it. So can you.

If you have a dream. I can help you get there. Contact me. 😊👍🏻😍