Why PRAYING Doesn’t Work

Why PRAYING Doesn’t Work

The difference between a prayer and a manifestation.

I have been exploring my spirituality for decades.  I think we all have, in one form or another.  Through loss and through life, we are always feeling into what this life experience is and what’s underneath it all.  What is the PURPOSE of life?  Why are we here? 

I’ve been exploring it, but I have always KNOWN it.  I always felt it – that deeper calling, that resonance, that BELIEF and that grace. 

Even as a kid I knew there was something bigger than me that was guiding me forward.  In the 70’s and 80’s we called it ESP.  I felt and I knew I had whatever that was.  Extra Sensory Perception – or a 6th sense – intuition – an ability to tap into another dimension.  I feel it is available to everyone.  It’s just that some of us are more open to it and have a more heightened awareness of it. 

With this knowingness life feels easier at times and a lot harder at times.  Sometimes it’s comforting.  Sometimes it’s confrontational.  Sometimes it’s weird and sometimes it’s wonderful.  But it was always, ALWAYS there to pull me forward and to help me in the darkest of times.  Times like when my sister died, when my Dad left, when the divorce was final, when I saw how broken our family was and when I took that leap out into the real world without a safety net.  There was always a power greater than me that I could lean on. 

I never really prayed except for one time when my sister was in a coma.  I prayed for her to stay here and to get better.  I prayed for her not to die.  When she did die,  I never prayed again.  It never felt right to me.  It felt like I was begging and pleading for something that was beyond my control. I was.

difference between prayer and manifestationI remember when things shifted from praying, or not praying into placing orders.  I was in college, getting my degree in theater, and I decided I wanted a certain part in a play.  I wanted it really badly but the odds were stacked against me.  There was a senior girl who always got the leads.  But I had such a strong desire so I asked for it.  I didn’t pray for it.  I announced it.  It was more of a “I will have this!” and not a “please can I have this.”  I demanded it.  I expected it.  I declared it. I wasn’t going to back down from it.  I auditioned with a KNOWINGNESS that I was getting that part.  During the audition I was pretending I was playing the part on stage.  I wasn’t auditioning for it.  I was BEING it. 

And I got it.  I didn’t even need to look at the sheet of paper with the parts announced.  I knew it.  With every fiber of my being I knew it. 

This was a different type of prayer.  Today I know it was a manifestation and I can see how and why it was so effective. 

I decided that I wanted it.  I knew I could have it.  I declared it. I acted as if it already happened.  I was BEING it, before I even got it.  I expected it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.  I KNEW it was mine.  And…. I let it go.  I never sat for a moment in the possibility that I wouldn’t have it but I also let go of any attachment to it.  I ALLOWED it in through my detachment. 

This is how manifesting works.  It is different from a prayer for me, it’s a knowingness, an expectation and a decision.  We align with it and allow it in and it’s ours.   

If you want help with manifesting stay tuned for a chance to jump in on the new round of my group coaching program.

Be Grateful Everyday

Be Grateful Everyday

These moments.

This precious life.

It all goes by way too fast.

And we’ll never have them again.

There will be so many “last times.”

The last time we carry them up the stairs.

The last time they climb in our bed.

The last time we tell our mom we love her.

The last time we wave to that neighbor.

The last time we have dinner with that beloved friend.

The last time we hold our lovers’ hand.

We never know when each of these “last times” will be.

When we recognize that each precious moment is fleeting and that they may not happen again, then we can treasure them a little more.

A Powerful Way to Live

Recognizing the brevity of time forces us to live in the present moment.   By not taking TIME for granted we can have gratitude for that moment.

Because when it’s gone, it’s gone.

This was a game changer for me. When I grasped this concept I started going B.I.G. every morning.

Begin. In. Gratitude.

I started thanking my life for my life daily, expressing conscious gratitude for everything and everyone in it. The minute I opened my eyes, gratitude became the first item of my morning routine. Now, I start the day in gratitude and end the day in gratitude.

I’m SO grateful on this day of Thanksgiving, and for this life.

For my family. For my kids. For John. For my body. My breath. My friends. My house. My passion. My purpose. My gifts. My lessons. Everything. I’m grateful today and every day.



Day 4 – The Belief Challenge

Day 4 – The Belief Challenge

Believe in Love

In other words, go all in.

When I met John I wasn’t ready to go all in. I fell in love with him but I didn’t trust it. Or him. Or me.

I had a lot of doubts about marriage and relationships. I doubted who I was and where I was going in life.

Needless to say, it didn’t serve our relationship at all.

I remember the day I decided to go all in.

We weren’t married yet. Or even engaged for that matter. We were flying on a plane and I don’t remember where our destination was. He was sitting next to the window, his head on my shoulder, sleeping. We’d been dating for a long time. Maybe 7 years. It wasn’t perfect. There was a lot of drama. But we were still together. We never really considered being apart.

Up until then, we also weren’t ready to go all in. 

I was writing in my journal and thinking about living life with no regrets. Looking over at John sleeping, I realized in that instant that I’d regret not marrying him. I would regret not going all in.

So I made a choice:  To believe in love. To believe in us.

And it worked. Our relationship works when we’re both all in.

Believing in love is key.

Are you all in?

How do you show it?