How Can I Help My Friend Who Is Struggling?

How Can I Help My Friend Who Is Struggling?

A few of my inner circle ladies asked this great question. “How can I help my friend who is struggling?” We’re not all coaches. I get that. They asked for a few easy things they can do to help a friend if they’re having a hard time coping.

In this video, I share a few steps you can take. Including:

  1. Validate their feelings.
  2. Ask about their state.
  3. Help them shift their thoughts.
  4. Bring them back to joy and gratitude.

Check out the vid for some simple examples. And PLEASE share your ideas and what has worked for you to support your friends.  Join my Badass Mom Society Facebook group for more tools like this and to share your wins. 


One day at a time!  We’re all in this together.  We’ve got this… 

PS Is there something you want to hear about?  A big question you’d love an answer for? Email me here.

How You Can Get Through These Hard Times With More Stability And Strength.

How You Can Get Through These Hard Times With More Stability And Strength.

It’s not easy to ride this roller coaster of emotions. Sharing a few tips here how you can get through these hard times with more stability and strength. Plus a suggestion… check in with your friends. Especially your extrovert friends. This is hard on us all and it might be harder on your strong friends then you think. Go easy on yourself and others.

I also wanted to share a process I’ve been using to boost my mornings. I call these 8 Power Questions. I write them in my journal every morning or in the notes on my phone after gratitude and meditation. Here are the questions: 


  1. A ‘big message’ I need to remind myself of and keep uppermost in my mind today is…
  1. The 3 goals/objectives I am most committed to completing today are… 
  1. Today I’m most committed to experiencing myself as… 
  1. What is most likely to get in the way/pull me off track from accomplishing my goals and feeling how I want to feel is…
  1. My plan for when that ☝☝☝☝ happens is…
  1. ONE action I could take today to stretch myself and get a LITTLE uncomfortable is…
  1. ONE action I can take to get outside and/or find some joy today is…
  1. I will know that today had been a successful day because…

(What would you have had to have done, experienced or felt?)

Try these out in the morning and see if it sets your day up for success and stay tuned for an evening process… 

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do, from my home to yours, to support you on this journey.

Come from love. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay positive. This too shall pass. #wevegotthis


Finding joy,


Core Values #2: Personal Power

Core Values #2: Personal Power

I hope you saw my post yesterday introducing core values and how important they are when it comes to living our best lives.  Today I want to share my second core value with you and how I EMBODY and show up with these core values.  Yesterday I talked about radical acceptance.  If that’s not a concept you get yet, check out that post.  Today I want to talk about something totally different…

Core Value #2…. Personal Power

Four years ago I had a spiritual awakening.  To make a long story very short it was basically a dream, or some kind of divine guidance, that told me I already had it all.  In so many words it said the following….

You already are all you need to be.
You already have it all.
You are all you desire to be.
You’re gifted.
You’re talented.
You are light.
You are love.
You are energy.
You are infinite.
You are everything.
You have the power within you to move mountains.
You can and you will manifest everything you’ve ever wanted.
Just by being you, you are powerful, beyond measure. 


I woke up with this KNOWINGNESS.  With what felt like a secret and with an awakening like “Oh yea….that’s right. I am the light.  I just forgot for a while.” With that spiritual awakening fresh in my awareness, I started acting differently.  I started walking around in my own power. I started showing up as ALL THAT I AM. I started unapologetically loving my life and doing what I love.  In that order.

I really started showing up more for myself first, and my family, social situations and on social media. Everyone started to notice.  They thought I had re-branded or that I was on medication or something. Really! Like something is wrong with people who are owning their shit – people who are standing in their power with confidence and certainty.  I was high on my own supply – on my personal power supply. 


AND… personal power for me has a flip side. 

core values

It’s not just about owning our own personal power and light.  (Because, PS and DUH, this isn’t reserved only for me, OBVIOUSLY you are the light too.) It’s also about owning our shit.  It’s taking 100% responsibility for EVERYTHING, even our shortcomings, our character defects, our fears and limiting beliefs, the way we play small, our triggers and our meanness.  ALL OF IT. 


Personal power to me means owning it ALL: the good, the bad, the ugly and the conscious and enlightened parts of us. 


So how does personal power help me show up in life?  Showing up and embodying our core values is the next step in our evolution.  And for me, personal power shows up as COMMITMENT. Committing to being my true authentic self.  Committing to showing up as my BEST self. Committing to owning my personal power and BEING that in life.  Committing to owning my shit and working on that in life. Commitment is the showing up word. 


Do you feel like you own your personal power?  Can you kick it up a notch?  I know I can. We are ALL powerful beyond measure!