Why Do We Suffer?

Why Do We Suffer?

The reason we suffer is because we think the world should operate differently than it does.

We believe people should do what WE think they should do.
We think things should unfold in our favor. Always.
And that things should be easier than they are. 

We’re ‘shoulding’ all over ourselves. This ‘shoulding’ is the root of our stress. Not the actual events.  Or the people. Or the words.  When we have radical acceptance for life and really unconditionally love everyone around us, our world changes.  We begin to see everything as perfect. Even the “problems”. Even the pain and suffering. Even the Pandemic. Even the trauma. 

When we radically accept our world and our circumstances we find peace. When we sit with all experiences as the truth of that they are completely perfect for the unfolding of our soul experience, then we find not only peace but bliss. 

Can you get a glimpse of this? Life gets easier when we get here.

It’s our birthright.  Life is not about suffering.  It’s about radical acceptance, finding our inner strength, and finding as much joy along the journey as possible.  Life is too precious to be spent suffering.  

Let me know if you need help with this. #nextlevellife

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