One BIG Step to More Abundance Now

One BIG Step to More Abundance Now

I remember the first time I flew first class. It was on one leg of our honeymoon trip, and WOW was it a great experience. We asked people to donate to our honeymoon on our wedding registry and used some of that money for the upgrade. It was, as they say, a blessing and a curse. A blessing since it was such a luxurious and indulgent experience, and a curse because of course you’re always going to want more of that life. I loved it and I let it go.

I was in the mindset that I didn’t need to fly first class. I would rather spend my money on other things. I often said to people, “I would never fly first class. I would rather donate that extra money to a worthy cause.” Well, guess where that language and those beliefs get you?

Our beliefs create and shape our reality. If I maintained that belief, look where it would get me. Let’s break it down: “I would never fly first class.” Guess what those thoughts and words create? When you place an order to the Universe you always get what you ordered. So I was asking, very clearly, to NEVER fly first class. If your ‘story’ is, “I would never fly first class” for whatever reason, believe me, you will never fly first class.

I didn’t fly first class again for a long time. I’m a happiness coach. I coach people on mindset. It’s easy for me to see in others a lack mindset. I didn’t realize at the time that my anti-first class mindset was a limiting belief that was totally affecting me. You see there’s a difference between saying, “Oh, I love to fly first class! It’s an awesome experience,” and saying, “I would never fly first class,” or even “I don’t need to fly first class.” Can you see the different mindset? “I love to fly first class” leaves you open to that experience and even attracts it into your life. The other two shut it out.

I realized that I had a lack mindset when it came to money and first class. I was coaching one of my clients and I told her, “You can’t expect to have a first class lifestyle without booking a first class ticket.” Then it hit me after I said that to her that I never fly first class. The next day I received an email to check in to my flight down to Austin, Texas. When I clicked the link, it asked me, “Would you like to upgrade to first class?”. An interesting predicament. I JUST coached someone on shifting their first class mindset, and here I was with an opportunity to shift it in myself. I have been doing this work long enough to know when there’s a sign, I need to listen to it. So I clicked on the link and I booked the first class ticket.

On my flight, I wrote 2 blogs, designed a workshop, had a lovely breakfast, and met an amazing woman. It was definitely meant to be, but most importantly I reveled in the fact that I was living a first class lifestyle. I sat in that big comfortable seat, looked out the window, and celebrated my life, and all the abundance that surrounds me.

When you book a first class ticket that says you’re not afraid. When you book a first class ticket you’re challenging yourself to maintain a first class lifestyle. You’re placing an order to the Universe for more first class lifestyle experiences. When you book a first class ticket you shout to the world, I AM WORTHY and THERE IS ENOUGH.

I now see sitting in first class very differently. I used to look at the people sitting in first class as I passed them by and I would either judge them or admire them. Now I think they’re brave. I think they had the courage to go there. They seized the day, honored themselves and cried out to the world, “I want to live a first class lifestyle and I’m going to do it.” The next time you have an opportunity to fly first class, TAKE IT. Listen to your gut and honor your worth. If you feel drawn to do it, then say YES. Sit by the window if you can, look out over this beautiful world of ours, put your hand on your heart and whisper, “I am worthy.” You’ll be amazed how many more first class experiences show up in your life. And you might even get a warm chocolate chip cookie.

Get Happi Now Video – Get Rid of Mom Guilt

Get Happi Now Video – Get Rid of Mom Guilt

How can you leave your kids without guilt?

How can you set your worries aside?

I get this question from Moms all the time….

I personally travel a lot, for work and pleasure. And what I do is I try to attach to the deeper purpose….

WHY do I want to do the things I do that might take me away from my kids? Why do I go to retreats? Why do I work? Why do I travel with my husband?

All of our answers to these questions will be different.

For me it’s because it helps me be a better Mom. A better person. A better wife. A better coach. A better friend.

I travel and work and spend time away with my husband so that I can show my kids what a really healthy happy person looks like. It takes doing that for me to get there. So I fearlessly take care of me first, so that I can take care of them better.

I think we have too much fear in this country about serving ourselves first. If we don’t who will? If we don’t who will be around to serve our kids?

How can you make yourself a priority? And what can you attach to so that your Mom guilt doesn’t take over? I double dog dare you to do it! 🙂 Then share with me over on my Facebook page.

Join Me At Awesomeness Fest!

Join Me At Awesomeness Fest!

I’m SURE you’ve heard me talk about Awesomeness Fest​?

It’s created by my friend Vishen Lakhiani over at Mindvalley and is known around the world as the “must attend” event for entrepreneurs, mavericks, artists, visionaries… This event attracts some of the coolest people on the planet.Myself included 🙂 for the last 4 years!  It has completely transformed my life.  And is responsible for my success in life, relationships and business, which is why I keep going back.

The event features killer content around personal growth and development, a Tribe of amazing thought leaders from all over the world and incredible parties. I’m talking about private islands in Thailand and Medieval themed parties in the castle that’s used as “Kings Landing” in the “Game of Thrones'” TV series kinds of parties.

I love this event, and think you will too!

Watch this short video to hear why I keep going back!

The next Awesomeness Fest is Thursday, October 22 – Sunday, October 25 at the luxurious and all-inclusive Westin Golf Resort & Spa in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

The people that attend this event are among the most amazing, dynamic, loving, conscious groups that you can imagine. People you’ll be inspired by. People you’ll learn from.

If you decide to attend, it will likely be one of the most amazing experiences of your life partly because of the friends and connections you’ll make.

If you have a passion for taking your life to the next level–both personally and professionally, I highly recommend you check it out.

For a sneak peak of what you can expect, check out this vid.