The Art of Allowing

The Art of Allowing

Many years ago I went to an Abraham Hicks workshop on The Art of Allowing. I had already been studying the law of attraction for over 20 years, teaching it in workshops and created a program for the Chicago Public Schools. But I was ready, REALLY ready to hear about the art of allowing.
There were a few things that I was ‘trying’ to manifest that hadn’t happened yet.  One specifically I wanted to sign with a big acting agent for commercial work and book a commercial. I’d been trying to manifest this for almost a year. It was on my vision board. On my wishing tree. In my box of dreams. I visualized it daily. I submitted to this agent every few months.
WHY wasn’t it happening yet.
I sat down in my chair in the banquet room of some Sheraton or Westin or something and was ready for the info.
Do I need to hang crystals in my bedroom? Sleep on magnets? Is my vision board broken? Do I need to do some Feng shui or burn some sage? Whatever it is I’m ready. Just tell me what I need to do to ALLOW in this dream.
I knew I was clear on it. I had ASKED for it. I believed I could have it. So how could I allow it in?
And then I got it…..
The whole theme of the workshop was about happiness.
I remember hearing Esther say “Just how happy can you be?”

Our HAPPINESS is the art of allowing. It’s through our happiness that we ALLOW all our desires in.

Ahhhhh yes!! YES! YAY!
So all I have to do is be happy? Yes! It sounds so simple. But it’s not that easy. You don’t even have to be happy with the thing that you are wanting. You can be happy petting your dog and you’re in the state of allowing. You can be happy eating a blueberry muffin and you’re in the state of allowing. Sure it helps if you’re happy with your job and you want to attract a new, better job. But you don’t have to. You can be happy playing Frisbee and you’re in the state of allowing in a new job. Isn’t that awesome?

Our happiness is that important.

I teach my clients how to ‘safeguard’ their happiness. Because our dreams are that important. And if they’re directly linked to our happiness, then our happiness is crucial.
One more important piece.

No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

No circumstances direct your happiness either.

It’s an internal job. And it’s a choice. You can choose to be happy or not. It’s up to you. You can choose to do things that make you feel happy or not. It’s also up to you.
When I left that workshop I knew that my happiness was the KEY to multiply and turn up my manifesting powers.
So I went after it. Like it was my JOB. I made a list of all the daily things I could do that made me happy. I made a list of all the people in my life that made me happy. I made a list of things I wanted to do that would make me happy. And I focused on those lists, like a recipe.
Doing these things that make me feel happy will get me these big dreams?! DONE!
Two months later I got the call….. from my dream agent. And 2 months after that I booked my first commercial. I can safely say I allowed all that in through my happiness.
Just how happy are you?
What are you doing to safeguard your happiness?
Be happy, read my book.