5 Powerful Core Values

5 Powerful Core Values

Many of you know I’ve been on this personal growth journey for almost 30 years now.  It’s been a beast at times, for sure. And the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. 


Years ago, probably 20+ years ago, I did a program (I forget the name) and they introduced Core Values to me.  It was the first time I really thought about my core values and how I wanted to really show up in my life. I was in my 20’s so my core values were NOT what they are now.  If I could find the workbook I’m sure my core values had a lot to do with partying and friendship because those were definitely my core values back then. Or so I thought. 


Over the last 10 years, well out of my 20’s and 30’s, I’ve been deeply exploring my core values.  And I teach this core value work to all of my clients. It’s part of the first module in my online course for a reason.  Because when we really understand and start to embody our core values we live our lives with more intention and purpose. And who doesn’t want that? 


I’ve found more and more that women (especially women) haven’t put any thought into their core values and when they do, their lives take off in a new direction. So…. over the next 5 days I’ll be sharing one of my core values with all of you in hopes that it might inspire you to uncover some of your own.  This is deep and beautiful work. I’m happy to share it with you. 


Core Values #1…. Radical Acceptance. 


I was talking to my coach the other day about radical acceptance and how important it is in my life and he woke me up to something.  He said, “You do get that people don’t understand what that means right?” “Um…. They don’t?” I stammered. Radical acceptance has become such a big part of my life and my vocabulary that I feel like it’s something everyone gets.  It’s a ‘yea duh’ to me and I forget sometimes that it’s not a ‘yea duh’ to everyone. 


What I’ve learned in my 30 years of personal growth exploration can all be boiled down to radical acceptance.  Meaning it’s important to me to not only radically accept who I am and love and honor ME, my life, my body, and my choices along this journey, but ALSO to radically accept everyone else around me.  To radically accept every soul whose life I come in contact with exactly as they are even the people who may trigger me, even the ones who have hurt me, even my Mom in her passive-aggressiveness – especially my Mom in her passive-aggressiveness. I need to radically accept my son’s teacher who treats him poorly,  our president and even my husband when he’s enraged. Everyone. Radically accepting people for exactly who they are, brings me peace. It’s a core value of mine because I believe it’s important and critical to our soul’s progression. 


But that’s just ME.  I find peace and freedom in radical acceptance.  I’m sure not everyone does. It’s a big concept to grasp.  I have women who have been working with me for years who still ask me…. “Ok how can I radically accept THIS guy.”  And we work through it. 


Radical acceptance brings me out of this very HUMAN experience I’m having and up and into the soul experience I’m really having.  It helps me see all as ONE. It helps me accept everyone as a soul having a human experience and everyone as having the perfect and right experience that they’re meant to have for their soul’s progression. Too deep for you?  Maybe. And that’s ok because I radically accept you for exactly where you are. 🙂 LOL 


Have you explored your core values?  I’d love to know and to hear what they are if you have.  Reply to this post I’m listening. 


Stay tuned for my second Core Value and how I really live these values and show up with them in life.

A New Story is Yours to Write

A New Story is Yours to Write

Our reality starts by writing a new story.

I have found what works. I have the tools. I have the sisterhood. I have the support and the coaching and this is making a difference.  One big thing for me to create the life that I love is to believe that it’s possible.

I have to believe that what I’m doing is going to work, that I deserve it, that I am worthy.  Belief is the masterpiece that’s under all of those categories.

Belief is so important.

We’re going down a new path and thinking new thoughts:

  • I am healthy
  • I’m healing
  • I’ve got this
  • I believe in myself
  • I can do this
  • I am worthy
  • I am deserving
  • I am enough.

And guess what happens?

The neurons in your brain begin to fire towards something new and positive and exciting.

Did you know that a positive, healthy thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative thought?  There is a spirit and energy to your thoughts and when we deliberately insert new, positive ones, we can re-wire our own thinking. We’re creating new neurological pathways, and new mental and emotional pathways every day.

I would like you to start thinking about what you really want in your lifetime.

What does your new meadow look like?

What do you want to create for yourself?  Who do you want to be(come)?  What would you like to DO? What would YOU like to have?

Write it down in your journal.  Reach for the stars.  Make your meadow as beautiful as you possibly can.

I would love to help you on the journey.

Give me 12 weeks–and together, we’ll write your new story. You are worth it. You deserve it.
Just listen to these badass mamas share their breakthroughs.

Get ALL the details 👇


Here’s the Secret to Living Your Dream

Here’s the Secret to Living Your Dream

If you think that there’s no place for your dream in the world…

If you believe that there’s no way that you can DO what you want…

If you feel you can’t HAVE the career you ultimately want…

If you’ve ever thought that there’s no way you can do what you love…

Then I want to introduce you to Hector.

Hector loved hawks.  He had a connection with birds as a young boy but when he was old enough to enter the work force, there were no jobs out there where he could work with birds.

What do you think Hector did?

Exactly.  He created one.

Hector started training hawks and falcons.  And then, he took it a step further.  Hector started a business where he brought his trained birds to luxury resorts for the purposes of keeping other aggressive birds away from the guests.

Yep…that simple. Hector saw a need. And he filled it. By doing what he loved.

Hector is living his dream.  Since he followed his passion, he has a large staff of  his own, a whole aviary filled with trained hawks and falcons and his operation has gone international.  It serves luxury resorts in both Mexico and Spain.

Hector stands in the sun. With his hawk, Jason on his arm.  He talks to him. Feeds him. Hector works with Jason every day.  Jason even accompanies Hector home and stays in his house every night.

Hector does what he loves. And it’s so incredibly unique.

Don’t tell Hector you can’t ______(insert that career you’ve been dying to do but don’t believe is possible).  Hector knows it’s possible.

And guess what?  Anything is possible! You just have to believe it, align with it and take action towards it.

What’s your dream?


You truly deserve the life of your dreams AND to be a Badass Mom, too! You CAN have it ALL. I’m living proof. The Badass Mom Mindset Mini Retreat is going on NOW! But you can still get in! Join Here