Get Happi Now Video – Rewire Your Brain, Part 2 on Affirmations

Get Happi Now Video – Rewire Your Brain, Part 2 on Affirmations

Can we really rewire our brain? We CAN!

When we think a negative thought over and over again, that area of our brain is firing and it’s going to keep firing UNTIL we introduce a new more powerful positive thought. When we do it stops the negative thoughts in their tracks. And creates a new neuropathway that literally rewires your brain.

When you introduce a positive thought. It can override the negative thoughts. Now remember, you can’t think ONE positive thought if you’ve been thinking a negative thought for a decade and expect it to change instantly. However, it’s not an impossible task. The positive thought is more POWERFUL. So give it a chance. Think it often. Say it frequently and watch how it transforms your life.

Watch this video to hear my insights from Dr. Joe Dispenza and how I’ve been rewiring my brain.

I’d love to hear how it’s working for you. Tell me on my Facebook page what negative thought do you want to change? How can you replace it? Get started now! Your happiness awaits!