How To Shift Your Shit

How To Shift Your Shit

I Get Triggered.


I have as many challenges as anyone I know.  Sometimes, it feels like more.

Even though I do this “work” that I love and I’m constantly working on myself, my inner peace and happiness, I still get angry.  Mistakes are still made.  My temper still gets lost.  The result:  I show up as a wounded version of myself.

As much as I try to be that monk on the hill and let all things roll off my back, to be completely honest, it doesn’t always happen. I try to channel my inner Nelson Mandela but sometimes I just can’t.

What I Do Know

There’s one thing I DO know how to do in those situations.

I know how to Course Correct.

For starters, I’m aware of the situation.  I’m not blindly raging, thinking it’s everyone else’s fault.  I know it’s my own challenge.  I know it’s about me and no-one else but ME.  I Own It! 

That is to say that I can identify when I’m triggered and I know that it’s entirely my responsibility NOT to get triggered.   It’s certainly not the world’s responsibility not to trigger me.

Above all, I know that I’m in control of my reactions. No one makes me mad.  I chose to get mad.  No one hurts me, I allow myself to be hurt or feel pain.

I’m either taking things personally or I’m in my own lane. I’m in my business or their business. What they do or say has nothing to do with me. Unless I let it.

So I find peace in my Course Corrections.  I am in complete control.

Every Day

I try to course correct as quickly as possible. So that my moments of peace are long and luscious and my moments of despair are fewer and far between.

The faster I can course correct, the quicker I can return to the true essence of who I am.

HOW exactly do I course correct?

I do the work on my thoughts and follow these steps:

  • Consciously shift into a state of gratitude to recognize all of the goodness surrounding me
  • Cancel the negative thought and reach for a better-feeling one
  • Move into an appreciation for my life and even for the situation because there is always something to learn

My happiness depends on it.

One more thing I know for sure: This life is worth it. It’s too important.  Walking around wounded and resentful only wastes my time.  Drinking poison and thinking other people will die, I know better.  And DO better, as soon as I can get there.

Course correcting now,


Busy Is Our B!tch.

Busy Is Our B!tch.

Life gets busy.

Like crazy busy.

But here’s a secret.

It’s our thoughts and not the circumstances we find ourselves under that bring us stress.

Even when our plate is so full that it feels like we might crumble or like we just might not make it…

We will.

Even when it feels impossible to get it all done…

We manage to do it. All of it.

We always do don’t we?

Our thoughts can get so stressful.

“I can’t do it all.”

“It’s too much.”

“I don’t have enough time”

“I need more support.”

Those thoughts are the enemy.

Reclaim your time.

Here’s what I do to get rid of those negative thoughts and take back my time.

  • Write everything down – every little detail.
  • Keep a running list of the things that pop up that have been missed or are looming.
  • Schedule time in your calendar to do them.
  • Don’t just think about it. Book the sitter and schedule it in.

Then get after it. Like the Badass Mom that you are.

We can do this Mommas! This has got nothing on us.

Busy is our bitch!


Be Grateful Everyday

Be Grateful Everyday

These moments.

This precious life.

It all goes by way too fast.

And we’ll never have them again.

There will be so many “last times.”

The last time we carry them up the stairs.

The last time they climb in our bed.

The last time we tell our mom we love her.

The last time we wave to that neighbor.

The last time we have dinner with that beloved friend.

The last time we hold our lovers’ hand.

We never know when each of these “last times” will be.

When we recognize that each precious moment is fleeting and that they may not happen again, then we can treasure them a little more.

A Powerful Way to Live

Recognizing the brevity of time forces us to live in the present moment.   By not taking TIME for granted we can have gratitude for that moment.

Because when it’s gone, it’s gone.

This was a game changer for me. When I grasped this concept I started going B.I.G. every morning.

Begin. In. Gratitude.

I started thanking my life for my life daily, expressing conscious gratitude for everything and everyone in it. The minute I opened my eyes, gratitude became the first item of my morning routine. Now, I start the day in gratitude and end the day in gratitude.

I’m SO grateful on this day of Thanksgiving, and for this life.

For my family. For my kids. For John. For my body. My breath. My friends. My house. My passion. My purpose. My gifts. My lessons. Everything. I’m grateful today and every day.
