Day 5 – The Belief Challenge

Day 5 – The Belief Challenge

Believe in Yourself

I realized a long time ago that I believed in others, strangers even, far more than I believed in me.

If anyone shared a big dream with me, I believed they could do it.

  • Write a book.
  • Start a business.
  • Start a non-profit.
  • Create a new program or product.
  • Have an outstanding relationship.
  • Get in amazing shape.

Any dream, no matter how big, I could already SEE them achieving it.

But not mine.

For a long time, I thought everyone else could achieve their greatness but felt that mine may not come.   My own dreams were not possible. Even my small dreams seemed too big.

It’s easy to believe in others. It’s not as easy to believe in ourselves.

A LOT of work went into believing in myself.  It was all worth it.  Believing in everyone else definitely helped me get there. Having others believe in me helped too.

But here’s the key:  When I looked deeply at my thoughts, I recognized that the game-changer was my own limiting beliefs.  What I THOUGHT about myself and my inability to achieve my dreams was holding me back from achieving them.

Those thoughts weren’t true for me then.  Those limiting thoughts aren’t true for you now. When we discover that, it’s game over!

Believe this and say it to yourself – out loud, in the mirror, in your mind.  Often:

  • I can achieve anything I want.
  • I can share my gifts and be rewarded for it.
  • I can have a lucrative business while serving others.
  • I can have an outstanding relationship.
  • I can be in the best shape of my life.
  • I can have a badass business and be a badass mom.
  • I can have it all.

Our new powerful positive thoughts become our beliefs.

We can build our own beliefs. They’re not handed to us.  We choose them. They don’t choose us.

This is powerful work we’re up to.

If you really want something, believe in yourself.  Then anything is possible.

Which Belief will you repeat to yourself today?


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