Get Happi Now Video – Get Rid of Mom Guilt

Get Happi Now Video – Get Rid of Mom Guilt

How can you leave your kids without guilt?

How can you set your worries aside?

I get this question from Moms all the time….

I personally travel a lot, for work and pleasure. And what I do is I try to attach to the deeper purpose….

WHY do I want to do the things I do that might take me away from my kids? Why do I go to retreats? Why do I work? Why do I travel with my husband?

All of our answers to these questions will be different.

For me it’s because it helps me be a better Mom. A better person. A better wife. A better coach. A better friend.

I travel and work and spend time away with my husband so that I can show my kids what a really healthy happy person looks like. It takes doing that for me to get there. So I fearlessly take care of me first, so that I can take care of them better.

I think we have too much fear in this country about serving ourselves first. If we don’t who will? If we don’t who will be around to serve our kids?

How can you make yourself a priority? And what can you attach to so that your Mom guilt doesn’t take over? I double dog dare you to do it! 🙂 Then share with me over on my Facebook page.

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