Years Ago I Was Afraid of Wanting….

Years Ago I Was Afraid of Wanting….

I was afraid that wanting would lead to trying. And trying would lead to failure.
I was afraid of wanting to get married.
I was afraid of wanting to have kids.
I was afraid of wanting my big dreams.
I was afraid of wanting deep friendships.
I was afraid of wanting abundant health.
I was afraid of wanting financial freedom.
I was afraid of wanting a life of happiness, inner peace and joy.
There wasn’t one event that made me start wanting. Not one event that made me believe in myself.
My personal growth was a journey, a climb, mostly uphill.
It’s work to work on ourselves. To move through our fears and start believing in our personal power.
But now I find I can’t stop wanting.
I want to fly first class everywhere.
I want to see the world and have epic new experiences.
I want t to be important.
I want to be the highest version of myself I can possibly be.
I want to give back, and change lives.
I want an interesting and surprising life.
I want a relationship that people only dream of.
I want my kids to understand their personal power and be their best selves.
I want to be in phenomenal shape and live a long and healthy life.
I want a circle of friends that inspire and uplift me.
I want to leave this world better than when I came.
I don’t know if I’ll achieve all these things. But I will always want more. I’ll always encourage my kids to want more. And I will always believe in the possibility.
I’ll never be afraid of wanting. Or trying.
Life is worth it.

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